Clive Wins CRS Best Keyboard Player Award!
On March 4th 2017, Clive was voted the Best Keyboard Player of 2016 by Classic Rock Society. During the award ceremony at Montgomery Hall in Wath Clive received his 10th CRS award in this category. The award was presented by Martin Turner (Wishbone Ash). The event was concluded with a two-hour-long concert by Pendragon, the winners of the CRS Best Live Act of 2016. Congratulations to everyone! Well deserved!
Clive: "Massive thanks to all who voted for me in the Best Keyboard Player category, and for Pendragon for the CRS Best Live Act. Fantastic to see all those familiar and friendly faces last night. A great evening!"
The Fire and the Quest 2": "King's Ransom" Cast
The grand premiere of Clive's third musical, "King's Ransom", will take place at the Cheltenham Playhouse on September 2nd, on the second day of "The Fire and the Quest 2" festival. This full theatrical production, directed by Ian Baldwin, will feature the following cast:
Clive Nolan: Professor Samuel King
Gemma Ashley: Eva Bonaduce
Jamie Anderson: William Gardelle
Verity White: Dr. Josephine Kendrick
Robbie Gardner: Tom Worthy
Chris Longman: Colonel Luther Scovil
Joy-Amy Wigman: Helena Blake
Ian Baldwin: Captain Fergus Maunder
Chris Lewis: Edwin Deeks
Ross Andrews: Jacob Alderdyce
Harrie Thomas: Martha Kitson
Emily Frechter: Paper Boy
Natalie Barnett: Roza Yakovna
"The Fire and the Quest 2": "Alchemy" Cast
On September 1st and 2nd, 2017 at the Cheltenham Playhouse, the second edition of the Clive Nolan "Fire and the Quest' festival will take place. "Alchemy" will open the festival on Friday evening to be followed by the grand premiere of the second part of Clive's Victorian extravaganza, "King's Ransom", on Saturday.
We are happy to welcome new artists in the cast of "Alchemy". Elisabeth Syrdahl Ellingsen, the principal vocalist of Caamora Norway, who also accompanied Clive in the 2016 events in Uruguay, will perform the role of Amelia Darvas. Gemma Ashley, known from her masterly renditions of the roles of Ustane and Ayesha in "She", and numerous acoustic shows with Clive Nolan performed internationally over the last two years, will be Eva Bonaduce in both 'Alchemy" and "King's Ransom".
Full cast is as follows:
Clive Nolan: Professor King
Elisabeth Syrdahl Ellingsen: Amelia Darvas
Robbie Gardner: William Gardelle
Gemma Ashley: Eva Bonaduce
Andy Sears: Lord Henry Jagman
Chris Lewis: Thomas Anzeray/ Milsoh
Verity White: Mrs Muncey/Jessamine
Ross Andrews: Ben Greaves/Captain Farrell
Clive Composes College Anthem
During his visit to South America in October 2016 Clive was commissioned to compose an anthem for the International College of Punta del Este in Uruguay. Having carefully examined the mission statement and ideals promoted by the bilingual College, in December 2016, Clive completed the lyrics and composed the music to a song he named "The Future in Our Hands". In January 2017 the composition met with a positive reception and was accepted by the Board to be an official anthem of the College. Clive was also invited back to Punta del Este to be the guest of honour at the College's inaugural ceremony in March. Sadly, due to other commitments, he is unable to attend, so another visit is planned for November.
Clive: "This is certainly something I’ve never done before, so it was an interesting challenge: to find the right blend of music and lyric to give that ‘anthemic’ feel to the song. I very much look forward to one day visiting the school and hearing the song sung live!”
More about International College HERE
‘King’s Ransom’ Recording Continues!
Clive: "The Caamora Theatre Company cast is, as we all know, a fluid thing, and with this in mind we have made a few changes to the line up of both the ‘King’s Ransom’ CD and the ‘Fire and the Quest 2’ weekend.
Victoria Bolley is not able to be with us for the next leg of this adventure, so the part of Eva will be going to Gemma Ashley, who will perform on the new CD and also in both ‘Alchemy’ and ‘King’s Ransom’ at the ‘Fire and the Quest 2’ weekend. In turn, Verity White will play the part of Dr. Josephine on both the CD and at the live show.
So, the full and final cast listing for the ‘King’s Ransom’ CD is as follows:
Professor Samuel King – Clive Nolan
Eva Bonaduce – Gemma Ashley
William Gardelle – Guy Barnes
Dr. Josephine Kendrick – Verity White
Tom Worthy – Robbie Gardner
Colonel Luther Scovil – Chris Longman
Helena Blake – Christina Booth
Captain Fergus Maunder – Alan Reed
Edwin Deeks – Chris Lewis
Jacob Alderdyce – Ross Andrews
Martha Kitson – Joy-Amy Wigman
Paper Boy – Emily Frechter
Other news and cast listings for the ‘Fire and the Quest 2’ weekend will follow soon."