Clive and Friends Back to France in June!
Come and join Clive Nolan and Friends for a garden show in France! The show will take place on June 29th, 2019. Clive will be joined by the Caamora Theatre Company artists Gemma Ashley and Robbie Gardner as well as Sebastien Desbarres from the French progressive rock band The Morganatics. For more datails and tickets contact Thomas at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Clive: “I’m really looking forward to our next little gig in France. I haven’t done one of these for a while and it’s always a lot of fun. It should be an interesting combination with myself, Gemma, Robbie and Sebastien. Who knows perhaps a few surprises as well!”
Join facebook event HERE
Caamora Norway “King’s Ransom” Rehearsals!
The rehearsals for the Caamora Norway production of Clive’s musical “King’s Ransom” have begun. In February the cast of over 35 artists gathered to rehearse in costumes for what will be a semi-theatrical show featuring the live band, soloists and the chorus. The shows will take place in Autumn 2020 in Norway. Tickets are available NOW!
Clive: “Three cheers for the 'Viking work ethic'! Having just got back from the “winter camp rehearsal weekend' in Norway, I can say we are definitely in good shape for the shows later in the year. These guys worked long and hard, and the results were clear to see. Brilliant - Well done everyone! That was fun.”
"Election Night" Soundtrack!
Clive has been commissioned to write the soundtrack for a new horror film by the director Neil Monaghan. Nolan and Monaghan are currently also working together on the film versions of Clive’s musicals “Alchemy” and “King’s Ransom” under the title of "The Professor King chronicles".
Clive: "I'm very excited to announce that I will be writing the music for a new film, ‘Election Night’. This film is directed by Neil Monaghan and hopefully will give him and the ‘Suspicious Character Films’ company a good run up towards making 'Alchemy’ and 'King's Ransom' into movies.
Will this film score be anything like the musicals? No... not in any way!"
“Salvation Has A Name” Video!
In September 2018, Clive Nolan together with the director Neil Monaghan, and “King’s Ransom” cast members: Chris Lewis (Edwin Deeks) and Gemma Ashley (Eva Bonaduce), travelled to Norway to film one of the musical’s anthems, “Salvation Has A Name”. The group was joined by an extensive number of the Caamora Norway artists, as well as the Norwegian film crew: Dag W. Grundseth and Olav Urdahl. The filming took place over two days at the Høytorp fort in Mysen and marked the beginning of “The Professor King’s Chronicles” location test filming.
Neil Monaghan: “This is the fourth test film we have shot ahead of going into full production. This number, taken from “King's Ransom”, allowed us to test the viability of shooting in Norway as well as experimenting with some 3D computer generated shots. Our Norwegian partners were fantastic as ever and made the whole shoot an absolute pleasure. Thanks also to Chris Lewis who excels as Edwin Deeks.”
Learn more about and support “The Professor King’s Chronicles” HERE
Watch “Salvation” video HERE
“The Lost Journals” Theatre Show in 2019!
Clive Nolan and The Caamora Theatre Company presents ‘The Lost Journals’ - a brand new presentation, featuring the music of ‘She’, 'Alchemy’ and ‘King’s Ransom’ along with exclusive new material. The theatre show will take place at the Cheltenham Playhouse on August 31st, 2019. Tickets are available online HERE and can also be purchased directly from the theatre.
Clive: “Next year, the Caamora UK group will be performing a special show called ‘The Lost Journals’. This performance will feature some of the best songs and moments from my musicals ‘She’, ‘Alchemy’ and ‘King’s Ransom’ as well as some new material… all presented in a brand new context! This will be an exciting and fun production, and will feature many of our singers, past and present. Don’t miss it!”