KR arrivedClive Nolan: "Great news, the ‘King’s Ransom’ CDs are here! The right music is on the disks and the pages are in the right order (you may laugh, but I have experienced some epic fails over the years)… in fact, the whole package looks (and sounds!) excellent… ;) It represents several years work, and I must admit to some pride in the finished result…. Featuring terrific performances from a ‘galaxy of stars’, along with marvelous artwork. The best one yet, I think!

Anyone coming to the ‘Fire and the Quest 2’ shows can pick up their order at the theatre. Apologies to everyone else, but I may not be able to send out the other orders until I’m back from these shows (beginning of the week of the 4th September)."




Get your copy HERE
More about "King's Ransom" HERE