Clive: "I’m pleased to say that ‘King’s Ransom’, my new musical will be released on ‘Verglas’ records! It has been the label for Arena for the last 20 years and I’m hoping some of that gold dust will rub off on this new show. King’s Ransom is set in the same ‘universe’ as ‘Alchemy’ and takes place about two years after those events. The characters of Professor King, William Gardelle and Eva Bonaduce are still with us, alongside a host of new and vibrant protagonists. The ‘book’, lyrics and most of the music is now written, and my guess is that recording will begin in October, with a release early next year. I will announce the cast and musicians shortly.
Meanwhile, here is the wonderful artwork that will be the principal image for 'King’s Ransom': this picture has been created by the excellent Mark Buckingham.
Like both the precious shows (‘She’ and ‘Alchemy’), this has been a major writing project for me, and it’s not over yet. Nevertheless, I look forward to recording 'King’s Ransom', and hearing all those fantastic musicians and singers do what they do best!
I’d like to thank all of you who have been supporting my musicals over these years. I hope you will enjoy what the future holds. The adventure continues…"